About us

The most important wish for us is that our guests can enjoy the relaxed and calm stay in our hotel. New hotel Olla follows in the footsteps of legendary Hotel Hämeenportti in Somero. It has been the heart of town and we hope to continue that tradition putting only a bit more emphasis on the hospitality side of the business.
Somero is a charming country town and we hope to reflect its atmosphere. It is quite easy to take it easy here and soak in the creativity and appreciation of nature. It is important for us that the Somero-way-of –life and culture thrives and grows.
Our values
The most important value for us is not to harm others. This means that we use organic products whenever it is possible, minimizing our own consumption and working according to the principals of sustainable development.
Using local is also something we value. We try to use local food stuff: flour, eggs, honey,
vegetables etc are all organically and locally produced. Our brand was designed by a local talent, tapes on our windows were done by a local business, we bake our own pastries and so on.